Author Archives: Lovelle Gerth-Myers

About Lovelle Gerth-Myers

Hello! Thanks for stopping by! Jesus, Writing, speaking, and making a difference are my biggest passions. Happiness fills my heart every time I let words flow from my fingertips to the keyboard. As a girl with a very broken past I know what it's like to go through a hard time and come out on the other side as an overcomer. I pray that my words can help you. I love the color yellow, coffee, carbs, and the great outdoors. Life is a journey so take a seat and join me in discovering God in a new way.

2020: A Year of Redemption

Whew! It’s been a year. For those of you following along my
crazy journey here’s a little recap:

In November of 2019 we were surprised to find out that we were expecting a little bundle of joy In July!

In December of 2019 I got into Graduate School! I am working towards a Masters of Science in Counseling with an Emphasis in Play Therapy. It still feels a little strange saying that but now that I am two semesters in, I’ve finally found a career that feels like home. I can’t wait to start using my degree to help foster kids.

The new year started out pretty boring aside from my husband working from home due to Covid-19. For the first time in a while nothing in our lives changed. We embraced the peace and spent the season growing together as a family. We enjoyed time with our family as well as our new church family. Like people who are parched from lack of water, we drank up all the time we were able to get with every one of them and thanked God for the joy and peace we finally felt after enduring a full year of loss and depression due to the events of 2019.

Fast forward to february: Finally Halfway through pregnancy. At the ultrasound we found out that our bundle of joy was a boy and began preparing for the arrival of Clement Luther Myers.

We read tons of books, spent a lot of time in the running stroller to get that exercise in, and went strawberry picking. One of my favorite memories was when Eula and I both got to try an exfoliating face mask for the first time. We rate this type of self care a 10/10.

We made it to May and my spunky mini-me also made it through tonsil and adenoid surgery in the middle of a pandemic. After a 24 hour hospital stay she came home and didn’t miss a beat. So we continued our season of peace with lots of ice cream, jello, tricycle rides, outside time, and of course, books.

We survived the summer heat with lots of time at the pool. Eula even got to go on her first float trip and loved every minute of it. So did we.

Before we knew it our son, Clement Luther Myers arrived on June 30th one week early weighing a whopping 9lbs 6oz. I’ve come to the conclusion that I make big hairy babies.

So here we are! A family of 4. Thanking the Lord for a year of peace and memories that we will cherish forever after a season of so much sorrow. As I think back to last year I can still remember every bit of the loss and confusion that hovered over me like a storm cloud every single day. Year 2019 was a year I thought my life, the dreams I had, and who I was as a person had shattered.

2020 was a year of being molded and redeemed. The plans, desires and expectations of 2019 that I felt were completely destroyed if not impossible were no longer seen that way. It’s as if I was a completely blank pallett in 2020. Not by choice. I had a lot of conversations with God that I had to ask forgiveness for but as I look back on that time I now realize that every single thing my family and I went through had a purpose.

God took took the blank pallet and created the most beautiful masterpiece with realizations, desires, and expectations that aligned with what He wanted from me and my family. I say all of this to tell you that whatever your circumstance is- it’s not over.

That dream in your heart that feels impossible? It’s not. That painful situation that feels as if you may never be able to recover from? Healing will come. The loss you endured that you never saw coming? It’s not the end, friend. Feel all the feelings. Mourn and be sad. Cry out to God with your confusion. He hears you. He’s doing a work in you.

It’s okay to take it one moment at a time. God won’t condone you for that. He’s right there with you in the middle of it. He’s taking every situation and making the most beautiful masterpiece. I wouldn’t change a single thing our family went through because we grew closer to each other and to God because of it. The same goes for you. Every single thing you go through in this life plays a role in helping you pursue God’s path for your life.

~ Lovelle ❤

Malleable In The Little Things

There’s something safe and comfortable about known behaviors. They’ve gotten you through so even if they don’t feel the best, you can’t fail, right??? At least that’s the lie that the enemy tries to feed us with. The truth is- what is “known” can sometimes actually a trap.

At one point in my life, I knew that money was here be spent. I’d never thought about vacations or even knew how to utilize self-control so that I could live a life beyond the chaos and feeling unprepared. I knew that Social Security was retirement until a college professor scoffed at me and clarified. Yea, at 20 years old I learned that you actually save for retirement. The government taking it out with taxes isn’t how it goes.

Some less extreme examples could be knowing that every person with a sign asking for money is simply an alcoholic or drug abuser choosing to take advantage. Sure, that’s the case in some situations but not all the time. It could be knowing that the teen who talks back is hateful when really, the kid’s parents work all the time so they are alone at home eating frozen pizza.

Heres the irony: The more stable I become, the more I find myself closer and closer to trapping myself in comfort. At one point I was the girl who knew the strangest and most taboo things. Like sleeping on a bed with no bedframes or top sheet and walking around town until 2am due to no supervision and bad peer groups.

Suddenly, the chaos diminishes while reaching out to someone or being inconvenienced by a request has become harder to do while excuses are even easier to find. I get used to my schedule. Comfortable with my life and how I like things to go. If it prevents me from checking off an item on my to-do list or causes me a little bit of stress I am more likely to look the other way or avoid it altogether.

The little things I know matter just as much as those big ones I knew and was retrained on earlier in my life. I can’t pursue the path God has for me without remaining malleable in the little things. That may look like taking dinner to a new momma or picking up a kid for a ride. Being a shoulder for a friend to cry on, paying for the person’s coffee in the drive-through behind me, or if I feel led, giving that guy on the side of the road my spare change. Malleability has many different scenarios. Lord, give me the descernment to recognize all of them.

~ Lovelle ❤


Pursuing God’s Path For You



It’s been a while…

9 months and 23 days to be exact since my last post. A lot has happened. In the last 3 months in particular and I just haven’t had the words to describe it so I’ve been pretty quiet.

My husband and I committed ourselves to foster kids. We felt God lay that desire on our hearts since before we were married and we opened our home last August. We walked deep in the trenches of children’s pain. Children we loved hard and cared deeply for. It was a crazy and chaotic but we knew that it was where we were supposed to be.

In January we were told that we needed to get a house with more bedrooms to keep our kids together. We listened to God, stepped out in faith, and moved our family of 7 in 3 weeks. That’s how dedicated we were to these kids. We wanted these kids to know that they mattered and that while in our home- they were no different than our biological daughter.

Seven months into fostering was the sweetest season for me personally. I had struggled with my role as a mom for so long and during that time I finally felt like I was where I needed to be. My past and every bad memory suddenly made sense. I had asked God for one request.

 I wanted God to take every single horrible thing that had ever happened to me and use it. I didn’t want the adversary to win. I didn’t need closure. I didn’t need to see my mom, stepdad, or any other person who had abused me in jail. After a lot of really hard days, temper tantrums, and backtalking I was seeing God answer my request. He was helping those kids and blessing me with the opportunity to be a part of it.

I have a unique situation. I have knowledge of the system from all sides. I know the child’s point of view because I was in Foster Care myself. I have worked or volunteered with DHS in several roles similar to social work so I am very familiar with their jobs, the challenges they face, and typically how things go. As a foster parent with two of the hardest cases in my county, I got first-hand knowledge of how many challenges there were as a foster parent. I thought that having knowledge on all sides would help. Turns out it can be a blessing and a curse at the same time.

After everything seemed to fall into place it was ripped right from underneath us and it just kept getting worse. Not long after moving into our house I lost my job and less than a month after that the kids were ripped from our home. After all was said and done we had a closed home, a million unanswered questions, and broken hearts with no idea how to even pick up the pieces.

I’m not perfect. Sit with me and I’ll tell you every single thing I did wrong. There were quite a few things. I still struggle with that fact and wish I could have done things a little better because maybe it would have helped the system to see my heart instead of shutting our family out so quickly. My mistakes in no way justify the outcome of this whole mess but I’m not afraid to admit my mistakes.


Psalm 119:71 Says,
My suffering was good for me, for it has taught me to pay attention to your decrees. 


I will gladly take every single mistake and grow from it. I don’t get better if I don’t. I will never be perfect. I am a sinner and I need God more than anything in this world. Walking out of this horrible season my husband and I hold tight to one truth;

We have absolutely no regrets about advocating for the kids in our care. There are no costs too high and no attack to unbearable when a kid’s stability is at stake. Kid’s who don’t have a voice. Kids who take a long time to trust in those who have been entrusted to care for them. Kids who’re only desire is to have stability and a safe place. We would do the same for our child and a foster child is no different.

All of it happened so quick. One day we were tucking them in bed, getting excited about Pre-K graduation and discussing what the next year looked like for our soon to be High Schooler.  Then I blinked and they were gone.  Some days  I still feel like I will see them running to the door and sticking their faces into the doorbell camera to announce their presence.

When they were taken and we had to close I was left in a horrible state.  I began having panic attacks that would last hours long. I faced depression and a feeling of loss too painful for words. Functioning became a minute by minute thing.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t strong. I couldn’t see the bright side. There was no finish line to focus on. Only A quiet empty house that used to be filled, anger, confusion, and pain. Through it, my husband and family have been amazing. In every other time in my life being strong wasn’t an option because there wasn’t anybody there to help me. Sitting down would just screw me. Maybe that’s why God protected me for so long.

 So here we are…

I am finally able to see some light breaking through. Some days are better than others. I still have moments every day that I still feel sad. There’s a loss that doesn’t really go away. I see it in the school a couple of the kids are in right down the road and I feel it every time I walk by the bedrooms that are exactly the same except that they are no longer filled with giggles or belongings. You can’t replace the kids God puts in your life.

You know what??? I’m okay with that. I hope they always remember they are irreplaceable and loved more than they could ever imagine. Not just by me. By a God that loves them more than I ever could. A God that took me out of a horrible place, guided my life and is in complete control of theirs too.

I know there is a purpose to all of this. I’m still working out the details of what it looks like exactly. It may not look like fostering. After years of despising the justice, I feel deep inside my heart when I see unjust things happen that hurt others, I am finally realizing that it does, in fact, have a purpose.

God is refining it so that I can use it the right way. I’ve got a lot of growth that still needs to be done. That won’t end until I get to heaven. More than ever I want my words to unite not divide. I want to help, educate, and support. I want people to come together with their insights and feel heard so that we can work together to make changes that will positively impact every single side. I want people to see the hope I experienced not only in my childhood and in foster care, but also in this complete season of utter loss. The hope may come and go because God has not revealed the whole picture yet but it’s still there.

If you’ve made it to the end. Thanks for reading. If you get one thing out of this I hope you are reminded that God is faithful. This world is full of sin. We are never promised an easy life full of happiness and bliss. We do have a savior. He tells us to bring our burdens and he will give us rest. He wastes nothing and will use anybody willing.

If you are in a tough season I just want you to remember that. God is not the enemy. He is faithful. In his timing, not ours. If you haven’t noticed, my blog looks a lot different. Rebranded by yours truly.

With all my heart I just want to help. I want to help people live a life where they are pursuing God’s purpose for them. Feeling confident in who they are, the gifts God has given them, and how He wants them to use them. That’s the new focus of this place. When you come here I hope you find that. We are one of a kind. Made in the image of God. How would the world be different if we held onto that truth and ran with a purpose towards it? I don’t know about you, but I want to find out.

~ Lovelle ❤

Because of Who He Is We Are Capable

In the moments of doubt I will remember

{These graphics are free for you to enjoy}

“Do I have to use that??” She said as she pointed to a top sheet wadded on the floor next to her bed.” I smiled to myself because I specifically remembered being in that same place 3 and a half years prior.

“Do you know what this is?” I asked her. She didn’t and so I told the 17 year old how, not too long ago I asked the same question to my husband. I had been in her same shoes. I didn’t understand the purpose of the sheet that didn’t have elastic on the edges.

I told her what my husband told me. “It protects the comforter so we don’t have to wash it as often.” Sure enough, I heard an, “oooohhhhhh I get it.” She had the same response I did. Then I taught her how to put it on her bed.

The next day I made tacos for lunch and after folding my taco a 15 year old girl said, “That is so cool. How do you do that?” I leaned over her plate, grasped the tortilla in my hands, and gently folded it so that all the taco meat was nice and snug just like my grandfather had done for me 16 years prior.

Every single thing I went through had led me to that moment. The moment when my husband and I were the guardians of two girls not too much younger than us. Girls who didn’t get to choose their upbringing, but because of their age and culture they found themselves struggling to find a place to lay their head.

They longed for stability but couldn’t seem to keep a house. Their faces had, “nobody wants me” written all over them. We thought we were crazy. Were we in over our heads? The circumstances leading them to our home only from God but this is not what we had in mind when we signed up to foster.

God laughed at our plans and threw them in the trash just like we knew He would. He gave us an understanding of the girls that we needed to parent them when few before us could. Everything we had experienced prepared us. The organizations we had volunteered with, past work experience, and life experiences were meant for the very season full of hormones and giggles. We had no idea but God did. 

The girls were great. They fit right into our house and we were beyond blessed to have them, even for just a season. Too young? Maybe. But if not us then who? In our area alone there are 593 kids in foster careThere are only 193 foster homes for those kids.

With our home full there is now 192 foster homes that need to somehow make room for 591 kids. A lot of times that doesn’t happen so kids sleep in DHS offices and shelters or they get shipped to a place hours away from their home making it hard for friends and family to see them. We’ll take being too young. We are willing to be uncomfortable and step out of our comfort zone. We may not be able to help them all but we can help 1 or 2 at a time.

In my moments of doubt I will remember that God has prepared us for moments like this. In my weakness, He is strong. He wouldn’t have put us in this place if He didn’t think we were capable.

Are you in a season of discomfort? Everything you’ve experienced has led you to this very place. It’s okay. We don’t have to understand why we are doing it. We don’t have to feel qualified. All we have to know is that God is in control and because of who He is, we are capable.

~ Lovelle ❤

Be That Person


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“What’s going on???” She said through my computer screen with a face that looked more worried than I’d ever seen. I felt like I was failing every single day and was exhausted. I tried so hard to do things well but somehow I ended the day feeling like a failure.

The words, “bad wife, bad mom, bad employee” ran through my head and I thought they would never leave. I was on my feet from 7am-10pm trying to earn the title “good enough” It never seemed to work. To add to it, I would only get about 3 hours of sleep a night.  It was a pretty dark season.

I stopped talking and began avoiding. I put my walls up and was too ashamed to say anything because I thought that it was my fault and I needed to make it better on my own. In my head I was screaming, “help me” but on the outside my mouth was shut and my face held a smile that was pretty convincing to everyone but my mom.

I was filled with shame and guilt and the funny thing is that I didn’t even realize how bad it was. I hadn’t noticed that I shut everyone out. I didn’t realize that I had been living in survival mode. 

That day my mom pursued me. Instead of getting mad she asked me questions. She showed me what had been going on and for the first time in a long time I felt like I could see some light at the end of the  dark tunnel. She told me I was worth it. She reminded me that my actions didn’t define me.

I want to be that kind of person.

I want to look past the hurt and see the diamond. When something is off I want to investigate until I understand what is going on. I want to encourage and ask tough questions. I want to be the kind of friend that fights for that relationship. To be the hand that grasps the one tangled in the lies of the enemy. Maybe you do too???

~ Lovelle ❤

Exciting News!!!


Sooooo, I’ve got a confession to make…. I’ve kept a little secret for over a year. It’s been a struggle to keep it in and today I can FINALLY share it with you guys! (in)courage is releasing a BRAND NEW CBS Devotional Bible and I have some devotions in it! How cool is that?!?

Here’s the down-low…

  • There are 312 devotions written by 122 writers (INCLUDING ME!!!) with stories from women in all seasons of life.
  • The devotions are organized into 10 themes, and each theme has a distinct color and design in the Bible.
  • Each theme also has its own reading plan to guide you through a beautiful experience of Scripture.
  • There are 50 Women of Courage featured with biographical profiles throughout the biblical text.
  • Each of the 66 introductions (one for each book of the Bible) are original to draw you into the overarching biblical narrative.

There are soooo many more features — each one that has something special just for you!

This beauty will be released on October 1, 2018 and you don’t have to wait for it! You can sign up for a FREE 54-page sampler. It includes two full books of the Bible (Esther and Romans), several devotions, reading plans, and more.

You can also learn more about the bible by hitting up this blog post by (in)courage or checking out the video they posted today on their Facebook Page.

I am so humbled and thankful to be a part of this project. (in)courage has helped me so much in my faith and with life in general. From interning there in college, getting to know all the women on a personal level, and gaining encouragement at some of my lowest points. They’ve walked through so much with me and I truly believe that this bible can help you as you pursue God’s path for your life.

Last but not least, I want each and every one of you reading this to know how thankful I am for you. You’ve encouraged me, walked beside me, and believed in me. I’ve always felt called to speak and write but to be honest, I don’t always feel qualified or capable.

You’ve walked along side my journey and reminded me that God doesn’t need qualifications to use me. He needs my heart, willingness, and obedience to step out into scary waters. The words I’ve written in this bible come from the heart and they have you in mind. I hope you know that.

~ Lovelle ❤

The One Who Calls Me Is Faithful


{These graphics are free for you to enjoy}

There are days I feel like I am walking on a tight rope and I think I might just fall at any second. In 4 years my life has changed so much. I’ve skipped a social class and had to learn how to live life in a completely different way. Poverty and Middle Class are so different. There are so many unspoken things people don’t tell you.

I’ve also gone from being alone to having an adopted family as well as family I married into. I’ve had to learn to rely on and trust people. I had to come to the realization that accepting help doesn’t mean I am taking advantage, incapable, or weak.

Like a Chameleon, I’ve tried to blend into new family groups as if I’ve always been in them when I have no idea what “family” looks like and I feel like I just stand out. 

I became a mom and had to learn to care of someone other than myself in a healthy way when I didn’t have anyone growing up who showed me what that looked like. I’ve had to learn nursery rhymes, bible songs, and baby talk. I’ve had to learn to trust, to be loved, and to live life day by day.

I’ve had to learn to stop preparing for any possible situation because I no longer have to worry about getting kicked out, being homeless, or having enough money to pay bills. No longer do I have to choose between having enough gas to get to school or feeding myself for the rest of the week.

I’ve had to re-train my brain to stop making plans for the “what if’s and I’ve had to learn to stop expecting the worst to happen because it won’t. I’m stable now and I have people around me that will help if something goes wrong.

I’m not on my own anymore. I’ve had to learn to accept help and to believe that I am wanted when I was told that I wasn’t for 20 years of my life.


That’s how I feel some days. I just have to take a deep breath and keep going. So much around me has changed and I’m not sure that I am keeping up. I feel overwhelmed and clueless. Like I’m not cut out for whats expected of me and I can’t ask for help because not very many people have walked in my shoes.

The one who calls me is faithful.

Whatever we are going through, learning, or having to re-learn. The one who calls us is faithful. If we fall off that tight rope He will catch us. We are called for such a time as this. To grow and to learn. To reap and to sow.

We have a divine purpose that is preparing us for those pearly gates. Whenever I lose hope or get discouraged I try to remember that. I don’t know what your story looks like. Maybe you moved to a new town or are in an unfamiliar season.  Maybe you started a new job and are overwhelmed with having to adjust to your new “normal.”

The one who calls you is faithful. Our God is the initiator, sustainer, and finisher in the midst of our messy moments. You don’t have to be in control and you don’t need to know the outcome because the one who knit you in your mothers womb does.

~ Lovelle ❤


Hope for the Weary Momma


{These graphics are free for you to enjoy}

It was 2:30am and I was still awake cleaning my house. I had gotten sick so my normal pickup and decluttering got neglected. I knew that unless I sacrificed some sleep, the to-do-to list would just pile up even more. So despite having to be to work at 8:30 the next morning, I kept going until it was finished. Or so I thought….

It seems like every time I check one thing off of my list 2 or 3 more things pile back on. I’m never done. I’ve got a child to keep alive and a house to keep decent. Between cooking, cleaning, nurturing, and picking up after everyone I am left with little time to do things for myself. I can’t tell you how many times I haven’t sat down and relaxed on the couch until 9pm or later.

I’ve had moments of frustration and anger. Moments when I just wanted to run away because I didn’t want to be a wife or a mom. I’ve felt exhausted and overwhelmed. I’ve thought like I can’t live up to what I am supposed to be. And you know what…. I’m pretty sure I am not the only woman who’s felt this way.

We are woman
Care Givers and a fighters.

Our armor consists of baggy eyes, spit up, and cold coffee in our cups. We fight hard for our people because we desperately want what is best for them. We sacrifice  for those we care about and will do anything to make them happy. We love hard and oftentimes, that means pushing our desires to the side.

We complete the task ahead of us and the bags under our eyes don’t define who we are as a wives or a moms. What we do matters and it is appreciated. We will love our people hard and give them our because that’s what the Lord does for us.

Momma, I see you. I see those dirty dishes on the counter and that basket full of laundry. I see the living room that keeps getting messed up even though you’ve picked it up like 20 times in the last hour. I see those dark circles and that extra big cup of cold coffee. I see the weariness and I wish I could hug you and tell you that it’s okay. Fighting is hard work. 

Keep goin’ momma. What you do matters even if you don’t see it and don’t feel appreciated. It’s totally cool to choose sleep over that shower for the second day in a row. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Find joy in that mundane to-do list and don’t forget to ask God for energy. Love your people hard and hold them close. God sees your sacrifices and uses it. You are doing great.

~ Lovelle ❤

A Letter To My Daughter On My First Mother’s Day



I blinked and you were 8 months old. I turned my head for what seemed like a second and you changed so much. Your smile melts my heart and your determination makes me so happy. Just today you cried out because you wanted to walk so bad but had to hold your daddy’s hand.

I know that the determination I see in you now will one day cause us to butt heads. I am fully aware of the fact that one day you will be able to speak words. At times those words will be the language of teenagers; sarcasm and that language will cause you to push buttons.

You will do things you aren’t supposed to do. You will get into trouble. Despite all of this, I promise to show you how to use your determination the right way. After all, it helped me get through some really hard things.

God gave you determination for a reason. I really, really love that about you. God has a plan for it and He will use it. One day it will take you a long way. It won’t take you very far if it involves disobeying your parents.

You wiggle and move so much. It makes life so much fun. I can’t turn my back for even a second. If I do I’ll find you reaching your tiny hand towards the electric cord or playing in the dogs water bowl.

I’m going to cherish these moments because one day that tiny hand won’t be so tiny. One day that hand will reach for bigger and better things that are way more fun (and safe.. well… maybe not.) One day you will reach for bigger goals and you will chase those dreams the Lord will lay on your heart.

I’ll worry about your safety and I’ll miss your presence. In those moments and more, I promise to always pray for you and trust that God has got you in the palm of His hand. After all, you ultimately belong to Him.

I’ve already seen you fall down so much. and I know that there will be bigger and harder falls to come. I promise to always be there to wipe away your tears and I promise to always help you get back up.

I hope you never feel too ashamed to use your mistakes for God’s kingdom. I hope you walk in confidence with the knowledge that you are His. Nothing can separate you from His love. It’s in our weakness that He is strong and I hope you boast in your weakness.

I promise to run behind you as you run the race God has set before you. I promise to push you up every hill you will face and cheer you on as you keep running toward that finish line. If you get lost, I promise to point you to the person who can redirect your path.

I wish I could keep you little. I wish you could always be the tiny girl I see in front of me but I can’t so I am going to embrace every moment I have with you. You are the gift I never knew I needed. You bring my life so much joy. Eula Ellen Myers, I am so, so thankful that I get to be your momma.

~ Lovelle ❤

P.S. Happy Mother’s day to all woman out there. We are all moms in some way or another. I know that I have personally been impacted by quite a few, “mom’s” in my 25 years of life and I wouldn’t be the mom I am today without their guidance.

I pray that each and every one of you know how loved and appreciated you are. I hope you know that we need you and are so thankful for you. My prayer is that your Mother’s Day is filled with joy and maybe even a little break from those chores.



Refining in the Hardship

We live in a world where we can get anything we want with the simple touch of our fingertip. It even includes 2 day shipping. There are so many times I get upset because I am not seeing myself progress in a “timely” manner. There are moments I get mad because my plans aren’t panning out.

In those moments I am reminded of Moses. He put in a lot of work. He endured a lot of hardship and listened to A LOT of complaints. After dealing with all of that, he didn’t even get to see the promised land. 

Friend, life is so hard. Can we just take a second to acknowledge that? It makes you ugly cry and want to scream into a pillow. It can bring out the worst in you.

There are times that God will ask us to sit in the hardship. We may not be able to see it but the misery is changing us for the better. The hardship leaves us with bruises and scars that remind us just how human we are.

We will fall down and make mistakes. But we will get back up and keep going. We will push ourselves further. Even when we don’t feel like moving anymore. We will look towards that cross because it is full of grace, mercy, forgiveness, and endurance. 

Consider me your virtual cheerleader. I’m waving around pom-pom’s while you take another step. I’m on the sidelines holding up a sign that says, “go girl!” and jumping up and down with excitement because I know you can win this battle.

We serve a faithful God who has a perfect plan for you. As you take life on like a boss, my prayer is that you somehow find His faithfulness woven into your steps.

~ Lovelle ❤