God Knows When We Don’t


Wilderness Moments

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Have you ever had one of those seasons where you just don’t know what to do? You know, when you don’t feel like the Lord is directing your path and you are just waiting in limbo for Him to respond so you can move? Well that’s been me for the last six months.

I am about to graduate college with a broad degree, and I have a background in every single job you can imagine. I knew that God had a specific plan for me that aligned with my past and my passions but I just couldn’t figure out what that was.

I felt like I was in a box. I was in a situation where I literally had to take it one day at a time and wait on the Lord to tell me what to do. In what seemed like a million years and some, He did! Kind of…

I thought to myself, “Yea! no more wilderness for me! This season is FINALLY over.” Well…  I was wrong. Now I know what to do I just have to wait. My wilderness season involves me knowing His plans, but being patient and trusting that God will work everything out.

I am learning that life is full of wilderness moments. In Exodus we see  the  Israelite’s wandering in the wilderness and I tend to think of that as a one-time thing but as I am relating it to my life I am noticing they actually experienced quite a few.

They were in a wilderness when they were slaves. They were in a wilderness when they were leaving Egypt and escaping, not knowing if they were going to get out alive. Every day they had to trust that God had a plan and that He would provide for them.

They had some up’s and down’s but God was with them the whole time and HE DID lead them to their promised land.

It’s the same way with us too. I’m holding on to the promise that God doesn’t waste anything. Will you join me by remembering that promise for your life as well?

His plans for your life are good. A God that knows the number of every hair on our head certainly knows the outcome of our situation.

~ Lovelle ❤


10 thoughts on “God Knows When We Don’t

  1. Trudy Den Hoed

    Yes, so many wilderness moments. I’m glad God has shown you what to do, Lovelle, although the waiting for it to work out may be very trying. But it is so encouraging that the God who knows the number of every hair on our heads certainly knows the outcome of every situation. Congratulations on your earning a degree! Also on accomplishing a half marathon! Blessings and hugs to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Leah Wehman

    Amen and Amen! Good post today Lovelle (actually all your posts are good!)

    In repentance and rest, is your salvation.In quietness and trust, is your strength.

    Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 21:26:29 +0000
    To: lwehman@msn.com

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  3. Ruth Erickson

    Thank you so much Lovelle for your encouraging words! My husband and I are in the process of moving. We sold our house….NO WAIT, the Lord sold our house after having it on the market many times! Now we’re going through the tiring process of finding another house. Waiting for the Lord’s timing is so hard!
    Lovelle, congrats on your degree and your run! And I will say a prayer for your journey as well!
    Thanks again for your inspiration and sweetness, which I’m sure you got from your wonderful sweet Mother! (Holley)
    Because of Christ, Ruth E. 💕

    Liked by 1 person


    I am so right there right now. For over 5 years now I’ve been in this waiting place in my life, waiting for the Lord to give me the go signal to publish a book. He’s had me journaling, and growing, and maturing during this time. I see what He’s doing and I believe He has a purpose and plan to use what I’ve learned. And He’s making me more like Him so He can work through me to bless others. But man, I do go through impatient days full of frustration. Thank you for being transparent and sharing what you’very gone through, and encouraging us in such a real way. Makes me feel like I’m not the only one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lovelle Gerth-Myers Post author

      Oh Tuesday, I feel you girl. It’s hard but you know what? It’s okay to have frustrated days. Sometimes that helps us get through. I’m praying for you! It’s all in Gods perfect timing. 😊



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