The Best Is Yet To Come

As I looked at myself in the mirror all I felt was shame. My body felt dirty. It was the kind of dirtiness that could not be washed away by a shower. I was abused again by a man who was supposed to protect me.  

As a 13 year old I didn’t know what a Godly man looked like.

My step dad had shown me quite the opposite. So as I sit here today with a beautiful ring on my left hand tears of joy form in my eyes. In the four short years that I have been saved God has healed me from the pain in my past. God has introduced me to father figures that are wonderful examples of what Godly men look like. One whom is adopting me in August. On January 3rd, 2015 I get to marry a wonderful man that God chose specifically for me. He is a man that doesn’t look at my past but instead helps me look to the future. He is tender and kind which is something I didn’t know existed in men. He makes me feel protected and always goes above and beyond the expectations when it comes to making me feel cherished. His actions always have a way at redirecting my focus to my creator.


For me, this engagement ring symbolizes more than just love and commitment.

This ring symbolizes a broken cycle and healing from a horrible past. It is a daily reminder of all that God has done for me because even through the struggles he promised me the best and his word proved true. This ring reminds me that God needs to be the center of our relationship. As we start this new adventure in our lives I will continue to hold on to the words God spoke to my heart while looking in the mirror on that horrible day when all that I felt was sorrow, shame, and dirtiness. I am his and through every situation life brings his promises remain true. The best is yet to come. Guess what??? That promise is the same for you too!

So as you walk through today I pray that you hold that promise deep in your heart. God has your life in the palm of his hands and I can assure you that your current struggle doesn’t compare to the amazing future that lies ahead. You are chosen and you are his. Never forget that.

3 thoughts on “The Best Is Yet To Come

  1. holleygerth

    We love you so much! David is going to be so blessed to have you as his wife and we are so blessed to have you as our daughter! God is good and the best is yet to be…XO


  2. Hope

    Lavelle, you have no idea how much the best is yet to come 😉 !! It will blow your mind. God is so good. Our stories have similarities. After my life of sexual abuse I needed much time to heal, and then at age 39 God saw it fit to present me my husband. It is the best ever and it feels like life started for me. And yes, the ring does symbolize a lot, a new generation created by God. The cycle is broken indeed. God bless you Lavelle and may He continue to do GREAT things.



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